So far, we have implemented a new format for the clinical skills day for our undergraduate students which has been well received, with over three quarters of students strongly agreeing that the skills day improved their confidence for their placement ahead. Here are what our students have to say:
“Really enjoyed this, reinforced all the skills I need again and I liked the case you did on the side instead of just let us roam free on the skills.” – 5th Year Student at King’s College London
“Really good to centre teaching around case. Great faculty, very knowledgeable and good teachers.” – 5th Year Student at St. George’s University of London
Teaching sessions
We also run weekly teaching sessions both in a lecture format and at the bedside. We aim to balance clinical exam skills with things like ‘Finances in Foundation’ and ‘How to Survive your First On-Call Shift’.
Looking forward
We are developing a virtual on call programme, a simulation competition and ‘Topics in Ten’ high yield teaching for final medical students. Alongside these educational projects, we are involved in the Trust’s Junior Doctor Wellness committee.
We are also working on a project aimed at increasing diversity and inclusivity in medical teaching which we are very excited about and should go live in the New Year.
We have regular drop-in sessions and are happy to have a chat or just listen if you encounter any problems during your time at MTW.
Hope to meet you soon!
All the best,
Tom, Russell and Allen