Gastroenterology Prospectus
Higher Specialty training at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust provides excellent experience in General Internal Medicine (GIM) covering all areas of the gastroenterology GIM curriculum. Our Gastroenterology Department is based in both the Maidstone and the Tunbridge Wells sites with seven Gastroenterology Consultants, some of whom have special interests in EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) and interventional endoscopy.
At Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Trainees are exposed to diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy training lists and the opportunity to contribute to the management of acute upper GI bleeds. The trainee will be expected to attend out-patient clinics in gastroenterology. Whilst most of these will be in Tunbridge Wells, occasional satellite clinics are held in Sevenoaks.
At Maidstone Hospital, Trainees can expect to rotate between two Consultants for a period of six months each. One has a specialist interest in Liver Disease and ERCP and the other has a specialist interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Oesophageal and Colonic Endoscopic Mucosal Resection and Endoscopic Ultrasound. Trainees are exposed to a range of chronic and acute liver and luminal diseases in both the outpatient and inpatient setting.
Post detail
- Grade: ST3
- Location: Maidstone Hospital
- Qualifications & Professional registration required: Registered medical qualifications; Full MRCP; Completed Foundation years 1 and 2 or equivalent Training; Completed CMT years 1 and 2 or equivalent Training; At least 2 years UK experience
Training Programme
General Duties
- Provision of in-patient care for Consultant’s patients.
- Attendance at monthly Departmental Clinical Governance and Audit Meetings
- Attendance at regional teaching “away days”
- To participate in a full shift system
- Attendance at out-patient clinics as appropriate
- Discharge summaries and follow up clinic letters as directed.
- Other duties as directed by the Clinical Director or designated Consultant for the care of patients
“The post holder accepts that he/she will also perform duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances at the request of the appropriate Consultant, in consultation where practicable with his/her colleagues both senior and junior. It has been agreed between the professions and the department that while juniors accept that they will perform such duties, the Secretary of State stresses that additional commitments arising under this sub-section and, in particular, that juniors should not be required to undertake work of this kind for prolonged periods or on a regular basis”.
The post-holder will be expected to participate in clinical teaching of undergraduate and junior medical staff within their supporting Professional Activities as required by the Directorate. Currently the Trust has medical students form GKT, but is looking to have students form Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Maintaining an up to date e-portfolio is an essential part of the training record. The post holder will be encouraged to work on their e-portfolio on a weekly basis ensuring that they have evidence of progression through the Gastroenterology and GIM curriculum.
Education and Study Schedule: Trainees are encouraged to attend the recommended specialty and G(I)M training days that are currently run jointly with London Deanery. They will be encouraged to take up a project with the aim of presentation at a regional or national conference. There is a weekly Gastroenterology educational meeting on topics relevant to the gastroenterology curriculum. In addition, there is a weekly General medical meeting, a weekly Grand Round and Core Medical Teaching.
On-Call: The ST post will take part in the registrar rota. This is full shift on-call rota with 13 hour shifts with internal rotation onto nights. Nights are 4 nights (Monday to Thursday) and 3 nights (Friday to Sunday). The rota is EWTD compliant.
Trainees can expect to rotate between the two consultants for a period of 6 months each. Training in ERCP and EUS will be provided once summative upper GI endoscopy assessments have been completed. The trainee will be exposed to a range of chronic and acute liver and luminal diseases in both the outpatient and inpatient setting.
College Tutors
Dr Alex Keough – College Tutor
Educational Supervisors
Each trainee will be allocated an Educational Supervisor who should meet with them at least every 3 months for appraisal and career advice, as well as a summary meeting at the end of the year, which will generate the Ed Supervisor’s final Structured Report to be presented to the ARCP Panel. Trainees will be allocated clinical supervisors during each of their posts.
The completion of Work Place Based Assessments (WBPAs) and modular paperwork is the responsibility of the trainee however every support will be provided in ensuring completion as appropriate. Trainees are encouraged to fill in WPBAs throughout their time rather that all at the last minute.
Successful completion of the allocated year of specialist training
Completion of the core competencies recommended for the relevant training year in the Gastroenterology and G(I)M curriculum
Salary Scale
All payscales can be found on the website below. The Trust is continually working with juniors to make sure all rotas are compliant. You will initially receive an offer letter followed by your contract. Should you require any additional information beforehand, please contact our Medical Staffing department by email.
Payments policy
Employee salaries are paid on the 24th of the month. If this falls on a weekend salaries will be paid on the last working day.
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