Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust and SpR in Diabetes/Endocrinology and GIM (2 posts)

  • 0845 155 1000 (Tunbridge Wells Hospital, TWH)
  • 01622 729000 (Maidstone Hospital, MH)
Background Information

The previous Diabetes Centre at TWH moved to its new modern facility in August 2010 at the Kent & Sussex Weald Diabetes Centre in Tunbridge Wells. There has also been significant expansion at MH with a new Urgent Medical Admissions Unit and centralisation of a range of cancer specialties and expansion of radiotherapy facilities. The Paula Carr Diabetes Centre at Maidstone is purpose built and provides all the modern facilities and the state-of-art Laparoscopic Skills Suite teaching centre at MH provides on going educational programmes.

Teaching responsibilities

Attending the teaching and development programme organised in the Medical Education centres is mandatory and bleep free. The bleep holder will in addition be expected to attend and present at Departmental meeting and educational activities and occasionally partake in informal training of and discussions with nursing staff and teaching of medical students. Post holder will be expected to participate in the Clinical Governance monthly half-days.

Audit and research

The post-holder will be expected to take part in audit as part of their personal development.

Medical Education Centre

The Trust is committed to the provision of high quality health care. This includes education and training of its staff and therefore the Trust regards education as a high priority. The hospital has an active education centre and library and a programme of formal education is organised for all hospital doctors and particularly those in the training grades.

Library Services

24 hour access to two well stocked and nationally well respected Libraries with very helpful and knowledgeable staff.

Post detail
  • Grade: SpR
  • Location: The postholder will be based at either Maidstone or Tunbridge Wells Hospital in Pembury.
  • Qualifications & Professional registration required: MRCP membership; Registered medical qualifications; Completed Foundation years 1 and 2 or equivalent training; Completed CMT years 1 and 2 or equivalent training; At least 1 year UK experience.
Training Programme

At Maidstone Hospital, Endocrinology and Diabetes services are provided by Dr Jesse Kumar and Dr Siva Sivappriyan while at Tunbridge Wells, by Dr Dennis Barnes and Dr Masud Haq.

Specialist clinics running at the Tunbridge Wells site include One-Stop New Patient Diabetic Clinics, Combined Antenatal Diabetes/Endocrine Clinics (with Miss Maggie Matthews, Consultant Obstetrician), Diabetic Young Adult Clinics, Multi-disciplinary Insulin Pump Clinics, Complex Diabetes Clinics, Diabetic Foot Clinics (with Mr Mark Tyrrell, Consultant Vascular Surgeon), and Joint Diabetic Renal Clinics (with Dr Simon Steddon, Consultant Nephrologist). There is also a weekly Diabetic Children’s Clinic run by Dr Paul Day, Consultant Paediatrician, and a twice yearly Transitional Diabetic Clinics for paediatric patients who are about to enter the adult service. Dynamic endocrine function tests are performed at both sites.

Specialist clinics running at Maidstone include Diabetic Young Adult Clinics / Transition clinics, Diabetes Antenatal clinics, Radioiodine Clinics for benign thyroid disease, Thyroid Eye Disease clinics with ophthalmologist (Dr Khandwala), Insulin Pump follow-up Clinics and Diabetic foot clinics with specialist diabetes podiatrist. An Endocrine Specialist Nurse runs endocrine function testing and thyroid clinics at MH. Dr Kala Pathy runs paediatric diabetes clinics at Maidstone and also the transition clinics (twice a year). There is a once monthly thyroid oncology MDT within the regional Kent Oncology Centre. The regional ophthalmology service based at Maidstone runs clinics for diabetic retinopathy & thyroid eye disease led by Dr Khandwala. Exposure to commissioning meetings and also community clinics at Sevenoaks & Staplehurst are encouraged.

Structured group education programmes for patients with type 1 diabetes (DAFNE) are run at both Maidstone and the Kent & Sussex Weald Diabetes Centre.

College Tutors
  • Dr Mamuka Kupharadze –College Tutor TWH
  • Dr Siva Sivappriyan –College Tutor MH
Educational Supervisors

Trainees are allocated an Educational Supervisor at the start of the programme who will meet regularly with the trainee to discuss progress in the training programme.

  • Endocrinology & Diabetes and GIM CCT
  • Part of training towards CCT in Endocrinology & Diabetes and General Medicine
Salary Scale

All payscales can be found on the website below. The Trust is continually working with juniors to make sure all rotas are compliant. You will initially receive an offer letter followed by your contract. Should you require any additional information beforehand, please contact our Medical Staffing department by email.

Payments policy

Employee salaries are paid on the 24th of the month. If this falls on a weekend salaries will be paid on the last working day.

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