Paediatrics Prospectus
The Paediatric Specialty Training Programme (ST1-8) at MTW Trust has been devised to meet the requirements of the Paediatric curriculum as per RCPCH Curriculum for Paediatric Training; Level 1 (ST1-3), Level 2 (ST4-5) & Level 3 (ST6-8).
This includes ward based teaching, formal rostered teaching (5 hrs a week), subspecialty experience, regional Specialty study days (PLEAT), clinical audit and exposure to academic opportunities. The programme is structured to comply with the Generic and subspecialty curriculum from RCPCH and the Gold guide. Our working standards have also been upgraded with recent recruitment of 5 new Consultant Paediatricians (total of 15 full time consultants) to meet the RCPCH facing the future recommendation with consultant presence on site until 10pm for 7 days a week.
Formal Trust and Departmental Inductions take place in the first week of the placement. In addition, there will be a half day of Neonatal and Paediatric Resuscitation Training. Paediatric and Neonatal Guidelines are available on the trust intranet. A faculty handbook with details about the departmental policies and working will also be provided to you at induction.
The Neonatal unit is level 2 with 3 intensive care and 8 high dependency cots with a separate special care and transitional care unit. The General paediatric Unit has 24 in-patient beds and 15 Assessment/Day case spaces. There are paediatric outpatients and assessment units at both Tunbridge Wells and Maidstone. There are 4 ST1-3 and 7 ST4-8 trainees. There are 15 Paediatric consultants with sub specialty interests offering experience in general, neonatal and specialty paediatrics. All posts will be based at the Tunbridge Wells site with cross site working at Maidstone for outpatient clinics and assessment unit.
Post detail
- Grade: ST1-8
- Location: The main base of work will be at Tunbridge Wells hospital where all inpatient services are located. You will also be posted to the assessment unit and outpatient clinics including specialty clinics at Maidstone Hospital.
- Qualifications & Professional registration required: Registered medical qualifications. Completed Foundation years 1 and 2 or equivalent Training. At least 2 years UK experience. MRCPCH at the appropriate level
Training Programme
Specialty trainees (ST1-3) will take part in a 2:16 rota first on call. We have 4 ST 1-3 trainees, 7 GPVTS and 4 F2 trainees at SHO level. The rota is fully EWTD compliant. There is close supervision and support from middle grade and Consultant level. We have 7 ST posts (ST4-8) and 5 non training grades at middle grade level. Rota at middle grade level is also fully EWTD compliant. There are 2 registrars on call till 9pm and 2 SHO’s on call at any time covering general paediatrics and neonatology separately. Paediatric consultant will be on site covering A&E and Paediatric wards/NNU until 10 pm, every day of the week including weekends.
Education and Study Schedule
The department has an established reputation in teaching and training. We provide a supportive and friendly training environment in line with the RCPCH curriculum. During your paediatric placement you will obtain experience in General Paediatrics (wards, routine and specialty outpatients, Paediatric Short Stay Assessment Units, and A&E), level 2 neonatal unit (inpatient, delivery suite and postnatal wards) and community paediatrics.
There are separate consultant led ward rounds for general paediatrics and neonatal unit on all days. There are regular handover sessions at 8.30 am, 4.30 pm and at 8.30 pm in the presence of the on call Consultant. There is strong emphasis on teaching and training in the department with priority given for study leave. There is formal, protected Paediatric teaching at 1-2 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and X-ray meeting 12.00-1.00 pm on Mondays. This includes regular resuscitation training on Wednesday afternoons which includes paediatric and neonatal resus and also Journal clubs. There are Tertiary Specialist Clinics in Cardiology, Neurology, Epilepsy, Paediatric Surgery, Endocrinology, Cystic Fibrosis and Genetics. There are also monthly dedicated clinical governance half days towards your training in clinical governance and risk management.
Experience and expertise in various paediatric specialties are available: 1) Gastroenterology with Dr Bhaduri and Dr Gowda, including weekly endoscopy lists, Inflammatory bowel disease and Coeliac Disease Clinics. 2) Allergy with Dr Blyth, including dedicated weekly Paediatric Allergy Clinics, onsite Skin Prick Testing. 3) Diabetes with Drs Pathy and Day, about 230 patients across the 2 sites, of which over 25% are on insulin pumps 4) Oncology with Dr Pandya, as the department is a large POSCU with over 30 current patients. 5) Epilepsy with Dr Gupta with weekly complex epilepsy clinic and 2 monthly regional epilepsy clinic. 5) Growth clinic with Dr Pathy, including Paediatric Endocrinology and Obesity, with specialist nurse support. Those registrars looking to develop subspecialty interest, special arrangements will be made as per the curriculum (SPIN modules) and linking with tertiary centres can be organised.
Required Workplace Based Assessments are to be planned and completed from early on in placements rather than together towards the end. WBAs are to be considered a formative and developmental opportunity, as well as a summative process. MRCPCH PART 1 is desirable for ST1 trainees but it is essential for ST2 trainees. MRCPCH PART 2 is desirable for ST2 trainees but essential for ST3 trainees. We host the MRCPCH clinical exam and also the MRCPCH clinical training courses. 4 of the consultants are RCPCH examiners and active membership teaching is provided within the department. The Paediatric department has its own library with online computer facilities - the latest Paediatric and Neonatal Textbooks, MRCPCH Mastercourse, are available. There is 24-hour access to Library Services which are based in the Education Centre.
During your post you will get exposure and experience to General Paediatrics (A&E, ward work, outpatients, specialty clinics and ambulatory care), Neonataology (level 2 neonatal units with facilities for modern ventilation modes, cranial ultrasound, echocardiography,, cerebral function monitoring and procedures), Community paediatrics, audit, clinical governance, teaching and leadership. You will have close educational supervision and training for MRCPCH and opportunities to develop sub specialty interest. There is a designated Lead for Medical Leadership (Dr Pulikot) who is working towards ensuring that the Curriculum is cross referenced to the Medical Leadership Framework.
College Tutors
- Ashok Pulikot, College Tutor
- Dr Rohit Gowda, Deputy College Tutor
Progression towards completion of core training for ST1-3, Completion of Levels 2 and 3 Training for ST4-8 with award of CCT at the end of training.
Salary Scale
All payscales can be found on the website below. The Trust is continually working with juniors to make sure all rotas are compliant. You will initially receive an offer letter followed by your contract which will give confirmation of the banding of your post. Should you require any additional information beforehand, please contact our Medical Staffing department via the hospital switchboard or by email;-
Payments policy
Employee salaries are paid on the 24th of the month. If this falls on a weekend salaries will be paid on the last working day.
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