
Specialty training is available at both Maidstone Hospital and the Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury which both have Cardiology Departments providing a full range of invasive and non-invasive services. Our training provides excellent experience in General Internal Medicine and Cardiology.

Programme Tutor

  • Dr Siva Sivappriyan
    College Tutor (Maidstone)

  • Dr Mamuka Kupharadze
    College Tutor (Tunbridge Wells)


Our excellent educational facilities and friendly atmosphere are what set MTW Medical Education apart from other training providers.
Let our trainees tell you more


Our superb facilities will give you the very best opportunities and enhance your learning.

SAS Doctors


Support, help and advice comes in all shapes and sizes, from every corner of our hospitals.



Make the most of your time with us and share your experience with like-minded trainees.


Helping you achieve your potential

With robust educational standards and some of the finest Clinical Tutors, College Tutors, Programme Directors and Consultants on hand to guide you, you won’t just achieve - you will excel.
About MTW Medical Education