
The Emergency Department in Tunbridge Wells has 19 majors bays, 6 resus bays, a 7 bedded CDU and a large minors area. There are x-ray and CT scanning within the department and heli-pad outside to receive urgent cases. Attendances at TWH are 65000 annually. The department is part of the SELKAM trauma network and is an officially designated trauma unit.

CT1 The first year will be spent doing 6 months of Emergency Medicine and six months of Acute Medicine. Acute Medicine is spent with the Acute medicine team which has 2 consultants working within the Medical Assessment Unit and the Emergency Department. Daily Emergency clinics are held during the week as well as an ambulatory care service. During this placement the trainee will take part in the General Medical on call rota.

CT2 In Anaesthetics you will be supernumerary during your first three months after which, having passed your initial test of competency, you will be expected to be able to undertake anaesthetics on your own with appropriate support and supervision. During your three months on ICU you will be expected to manage patients with the support of the rest of the team.

Post detail
  • Grade: ACCS Core Training
  • Location: Acute, A&E and Anaesthetics & ITU departments at Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury
  • Qualifications & Professional registration required: MRCP membership; Registered medical qualifications; Completed Foundation years 1 and 2 or equivalent training. 
Training Programme

The full ACCS programme runs for three years. The first two years of the programme will be provided by the same Trust. The trust has been allocated a CT3 post which will commence in August 2015 for trainees being appointed to the programme from 2013.

Shift Practice and Rota: All rotas are full shift  and EWTD compliant.

Education and Study Schedule: In A&E there is a protected teaching day monthly mapped to the curriculum, as well as other teaching sessions and Clinical Governance meetings.

In Anaesthetics there is Wednesday morning teaching and Friday morning Journal Clubs as well as a combination of ward based and theatre training.

In Medicine there is Core Medical teaching on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons as well as other educational opportunities such as Grand Round.

College Tutors
  • Dr Emma Townsend – College Tutor
  • Dr Peter Martin - College Tutor
Educational Supervisors

You will be supervised by one of the leads in the respective specialties.

Clinical Lead

Dr Angela Feazey


- Core - Completion ACCS training

Salary Scale

All payscales can be found on the website below. The Trust is continually working with juniors to make sure all rotas are compliant. You will initially receive an offer letter followed by your contract which will give confirmation of the banding of your post. Should you require any additional information beforehand, please contact our Medical Staffing department via the hospital switchboard or by email;-

Payments policy

Employee salaries are paid on the 24th of the month. If this falls on a weekend salaries will be paid on the last working day.

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