Ophthalmology Prospectus
There are two Foundation year 2 doctors under the South Thames Foundation School and six Specialist trainee doctors from the joint London/HEKSS Ophthalmology programme working at both Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells hospital.
Post detail
- Grade: ST1
- Location: Maidstone Hospital, ground floor and first floor of EEMU (Eye, Ear and Mouth Unit). Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Eye Clinic, Level 0.
- Qualifications & Professional registration required: Completion of Foundation Years 1 and 2 or equivalent in line with GMC standards.The ST1 doctor will normally spend both the ST1 and ST2 years and Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells hospital. Both years will involve a combination of out-patient and theatre-based experience. Specific competencies in cataract surgery, minor eyelid surgery and laser treatments will be gained.
Training Programme
Trainees work a normal ‘9 to 5’ timetable Monday to Friday, except on days where there is an operating session in the morning, when there is normally an 8am start. There is a ‘1 in 8’ first on-call rota and leave is covered on a prospective basis. The first on-call doctor is not required to be resident but must be within 30 minutes travel of Maidstone Hospital. There is a second on-call doctor available at all times.
Trainees attend weekly departmental teaching on Friday afternoons and quarterly regional study days, as well as courses and conferences during booked study leave. At ST1 and ST2 level, trainees have a protected half-day for study and trainees at ST3 and above have two protected half-days, normally on the same day. A number of the Consultants are actively engaged in research and there are links to the University of Kent at Canterbury.
College Tutor
Miss Mona Khandwala
CCT in Ophthalmology specialty. ST1 and ST2 competencies under Royal College of Ophthalmologists curriculum.
Salary Scale
All payscales can be found on the website below. The Trust is continually working with juniors to make sure all rotas are compliant. You will initially receive an offer letter followed by your contract which will give confirmation of the banding of your post. Should you require any additional information beforehand, please contact our Medical Staffing department via the hospital switchboard or by email;-
Payments policy
Employee salaries are paid on the 24th of the month. If this falls on a weekend salaries will be paid on the last working day.
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